"I'm sorry, Miss," I said softly, my eyes cast to the floor. I hated to upset her.

Miss Cindy swung her foot back and forth impatiently, looking even more beautiful nude than she did in a couture gown. She sighed, preparing to launch into one of her little lectures.

"You couldn't very well be my personal maid without seeing me in my underwear now and then. How would you help me get dressed and stuff? I don't mind you looking a little, but you shouldn't gawk like that. Please try to stop it in the future, O.K.?" she said as she shamed me with her pretty, piercing eyes.

"Yes, Miss, I'll try," I replied nervously, shuffling my feet slightly. I had been her maid for nearly six months, but the sight of her nude still made me stare. Her beauty was captivating and hard to ignore.

"Go get the satin boxer shorts and top I bought at Saks last week, Cissie, and my anklets, too; the really fuzzy ones. And be quick about it!" Cindy ordered, a tone of annoyance lingering in her voice.

I felt myself blush as I said, "Yes, Miss," and went to get her outfit. I don't think she understood how hard it was not to look at her. Maybe she didn't realize how incredibly pretty she was. People had a hard time keeping their eyes off Miss Cindy with her clothes on let alone nude!

I went to the lingerie dresser and pulled out the satin shorts and top. I bent down and held the little shorts for her to step into. Miss Cindy put her feet into the shorts and stood up as I pulled the cute boxers up over her hips and adjusted them on her slim waist. As I helped her on with the matching top, I noticed it was cropped and showed off Cindy's firm, flat tummy. She held out her hand and simply said, "Socks" as I finished buttoning her top. I handed the balled-up fuzzy anklets to her and bowed my head slightly.

"Do the dishes now, Cissie," Cindy told me, "I'm going to watch some TV let me know when you're done in the kitchen."

"Yes, Miss," I replied.

My nice curtsy went unnoticed, since my young mistress had already turned and left, padding gracefully down the hall in her pretty satin shorts and top.

I cleared the dishes from the dining room and filled one side of the big double sink with hot, sudsy water. I tied a pale


pink rubber apron on over my uniform and pulled on rubber gloves to protect my hands from the dishwater. As I was rinsing the dishes, I saw myself in the mirror-like chrome splash board. Reflected back at me was the perfect image of a rich girl's maid an aproned domestic washing dishes in the kitchen while her pampered young Miss lounges in the living room.

Miss Cindy was quite spoiled and didn't concern herself with such mundane chores as washing dishes. I took care of things like that for her, of course. And since she didn't care for the noise of the dishwasher, I had to wash them by hand whenever she was home.

I made quick work of the few dinner dishes and thoroughly cleaned up the kitchen and dining room. Tying on a ruffled white apron, I reported to the living room to find Miss Cindy sprawled on the sofa, lazily blipping through the channels with the remote.

"I'm finished in the kitchen, Miss," I announced as a commercial blipped on.

"Oh, . . . O.K." Cindy said absent-mindedly. "Get your manicure things, Cissie. I need you to do my nails for


"Certainly, Miss."

I hurried off and returned with my manicure things and Miss Cindy's favorite shades of nail polish. Cindy pulled off her anklets and threw them far across the room on the floor. (More clothes for me to pick up!)

"Do my toes first. I can't wait to get rid of this ugly color," Miss Cindy said.

Cindy's nails had been polished an unusual orange shade for the day's photo session, and she hated the color. I sat back on my heels and placed a towel over my apron before lifting Miss Cindy's foot into my lap. After removing the ugly orange polish, I placed cotton balls between Cindy's toes so the new polish wouldn't smear. She rested and watched TV as I polished her toenails with a pretty pearl pink she'd chosen. Cindy didn't bother to supervise my work very closely. There was no need really; polishing nails was one of my better skills.

"By the way, Cissie," Miss Cindy said after I'd finished with her toes and was polishing her fingernails, "I've asked Debbie and Susan to dinner next Friday. They're coming for drinks at 7:00, so plan on serving dinner around 8:00."